A Collection of Bird Photos from SW Ohio

R. Hays Cummins--Western Program

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Ohio Birds: A Photo Collection

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    Just "click on the thumbnails" for successively larger images--small, medium, and HUGE!

    Ohio Bird Photo Collection: High Resolution Images
    Female Eastern Towhee
    Eastern Towhee Calling
    Splendid Eastern Towhee
    Male Eastern Towhee
    Eastern Towhee
    Male Towhee Calling
    Carolina Wren
    Carolina Wren
    American Tree Sparrow
    American Tree Sparrow
    American Tree Sparrow
    American Tree Sparrow
    Song Sparrow
    Song Sparrow Habitat
    "Singing" Song Sparrow
    Blue Jay
    Blue Jay Perching
    Carolina Chickadee
    White Crowned Sparrow
    Northern Cardinal
    Northern Cardinal
    Dark Eyed Junco
    Dark-Eyed Junco
    White Throated Sparrow
    White Throated Sparrow
    Song Sparrow
    Mourning Dove
    Carolina Chickadee
    Carolina Chickadee
    Northern Cardinal
    House Finch
    House Finch Pair
    House Finch
    House Finch
    Big Red Males
    Tufted Titmouse
    Northern Cardinal
    European Starling
    Carolina Chickadee
    American Goldfinch
    American Goldfinch
    Red Bellied Woodpecker
    Red Bellied Woodpecker
    Red Bellied Woodpecker
    Red Bellied Woodpecker
    Red Bellied Woodpecker
    White Breasted Nuthatch
    White Breasted Nuthatch
    White Breasted Nuthatch Side
    White Breasted Nuthatch Typical


    JUMP to pg 1, pg 2, pg 3, pg 4, pg 5, pg 6, pg 7, pg 8, pg 9, pg 10, pg 11, pg 12, pg 13, pg 14, pg 15, pg 16, pg 17, pg 18

    Photos Copyright R. Hays Cummins. Authorization required. For permission, contact hays@environment-education-press.org

    Sources of species identification and other amazing info include (1) Cornell Lab of Ornithology--a fantastic site; (2)Birds of Eastern and Central North America, Peterson Field Guide Series, Fifth Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company; (3) The National Audubon Society's Sibley Guide to Birds and (4) Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Third Edition, National Geographic, Washington, D.C.