A Collection of Bird Photos from SW Ohio

R. Hays Cummins--Western Program

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Ohio Birds: A Photo Collection

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    Just "click on the thumbnails" for successively larger images--small, medium, and HUGE!

    Ohio Bird Photo Collection: High Resolution Images 4
    Northern Shoveler
    Northern Shovelers Flight
    Male Northern Shoveler
    Female Common Goldeneye
    Female Common Goldeneye
    Horned Grebe
    Blue-Winged Teal
    Blue-Winged Teal Pair
    Male Blue-winged Teal
    Blue-Winged Teal Flight
    Pair Blue-winged Teal Close-up
    Blue-winged Teal Male
    Green-winged Teal
    Green-winged Teal
    Regal American Kestrel
    Inquisitive American Kestrel
    Closeup American Kestrel
    The Stare- American Kestrel
    American Kestrel
    Northern Flicker Nest Cavity
    Northern Flicker Excavation
    Northern Flicker Female
    Northern Flicker View
    Female Pileated
    Female Pileated Close-up
    Female Pileated Hair-do
    Common Loon "Breeding Colors"
    Common Loon "Angled view"
    Common Loon "Sideview"
    Common Loon "Left View"
    Osprey Flight
    Male Red-breasted Merganser
    Red-breasted Merganser Pair
    Spring Blue Jay
    Singing Song Sparrow
    American Robin
    Tree Swallow Elbowroom 04 03
    Tree Swallow Trio
    Tree Swallow Landings
    Tree Swallow Space
    Tree Swallow Flight
    Brown Thrasher Rear View
    Brown Thasher Chest Colors
    Brown Thrasher Exuberance
    Brown Thrasher Perspective
    Typical Marsh Scene
    Beaver Dam View
    Cooper's Hawk on Nest


    JUMP to pg 1, pg 2, pg 3, pg 4, pg 5, pg 6, pg 7, pg 8, pg 9, pg 10, pg 11, pg 12, pg 13, pg 14, pg 15, pg 16, pg 17, pg 18

    Photos Copyright R. Hays Cummins. Authorization required. For permission, contact hays@environment-education-press.org

    Sources of species identification and other amazing info include (1) Cornell Lab of Ornithology--a fantastic site; (2)Birds of Eastern and Central North America, Peterson Field Guide Series, Fifth Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company; (3) The National Audubon Society's Sibley Guide to Birds and (4) Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Third Edition, National Geographic, Washington, D.C.

    Created with Stone Design's PhotoToWeb® at 2006-05-03 13:37:38 -0400