A Collection of Bird Photos from SW Ohio

R. Hays Cummins--Western Program

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Ohio Birds: A Photo Collection

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    Just "click on the thumbnails" for successively larger images--small, medium, and HUGE!

    Ohio Bird Photo Collection: High Resolution Images 6
    Wood Duck "Breeding Colors"
    Wood Duck "Mardi Gras Colors"
    "Eyering" Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
    "Sideview" Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
    "Ventral View" Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
    Brown Thrasher "Tree Top"
    Brown Thrasher "Blue Skies"
    Brown Thrasher "Frontal"
    Brown Thrasher "Large View"
    "Huge" Bull Frog
    Bull Frog "Face"
    Purple Martin "House"
    Red-winged Blackbird "Female"
    Virginia Rail "Eggs in Nest"
    Virginia Rail "Flared Wings"
    Virginia Rail "Nesting"
    Virginia Rail "On Nest"
    Virginia Rail "Sideview"
    Lesser Yellowlegs "Feeding"
    Lesser Yellowlegs "Landing"
    Lesser Yellowlegs "Trio"
    Sora "sideview"
    Sora "View of Bill"
    Sora "Feeding"
    Sora "Looking at You"
    Male Toad "Calling"
    Trio of Male Toads
    Toad "In a pond"
    Leopard Frog "Side View"
    Leopard Frog
    Leopard Frog "Water View"
    Snapping Turtle "Mud Cruising"
    Snapping Turtle "Head Shot"
    Snapping Turtle "Full Frontal"
    Snapping Turtle ""
    Observation Tower
    Great Blue Heron "Headin for the Nest"
    Blue Heron Rookery
    Blue heron Rookery Perspective
    Jeff Davis in Spring Valley
    Wood Duck "Spring Valley"
    Kirtland's Snake "Ventral View"
    Kirtland's Snake "Dorsal View"
    Female Yellow Warbler
    Yellow Warbler In-flight
    Yellow Warbler Singing
    Common Yellowthroat Perched
    Common Yellowthroat Closeup
    Palm Warbler Dorsal View
    Palm Warbler Front View


    JUMP to pg 1, pg 2, pg 3, pg 4, pg 5, pg 6, pg 7, pg 8, pg 9, pg 10, pg 11, pg 12, pg 13, pg 14, pg 15, pg 16, pg 17, pg 18

    Photos Copyright R. Hays Cummins. Authorization required. For permission, contact hays@environment-education-press.org

    Sources of species identification and other amazing info include (1) Cornell Lab of Ornithology--a fantastic site; (2)Birds of Eastern and Central North America, Peterson Field Guide Series, Fifth Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company; (3) The National Audubon Society's Sibley Guide to Birds and (4) Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Third Edition, National Geographic, Washington, D.C.

    Created with Stone Design's PhotoToWeb® at 2006-05-03 13:37:49 -0400