A Collection of Bird Photos from SW Ohio

R. Hays Cummins--Western Program

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Ohio Birds: A Photo Collection

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    Just "click on the thumbnails" for successively larger images--small, medium, and HUGE!

    Ohio Bird Photo Collection: High Resolution Images 16
    Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird
    Perched Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird
    In-flight Ruby-throated Hummingbird
    Hoary Bat in Hand
    Jeff holding Hoary Bat
    Hanging Hoary Bat
    Hoary Bat Roosting
    Measuring American Woodcocks
    American Woodcock Pre-release
    Close-up of a White-eyed Vireo
    Profile White-eyed Vireo
    In-hand Red-eyed Vireo
    Red-eyed Vireo Front
    Red-eyed Vireo Freed
    Holding Black and White Warbler
    Feet of Black-and-white Warbler
    Front Black-and-white Warbler
    Wings Black and White Warbler
    Belly Gray Catbird
    Pre-release Gray Catbird
    Profile Gray Catbird
    Young Catbird Eye Closeup
    Mourning Warbler Closeup
    Profile Mourning Warbler
    Mourning Warbler Face On
    Ovenbird Profile
    Ovenbird Closeup
    Beautiful Ovenbird
    Measuring Ovenbird
    Swainson's Thrush Closeup
    Face Time Swainson's Thrush
    Another Swainson's Thrush
    Profile Swainson's Thrush
    Swainson's Thrush Wing Colors
    Pint Size Comparisons
    Brown Thrasher WIngs
    Profile Magnolia Warbler
    Magnolia Warbler
    Magnolia Warbler Wing Colors
    Hooded Warbler Profile
    House Wren
    The Back of a Wren
    Student First Bird
    Students Sets Bird Free
    It was a Thrill!
    Student Intensity
    A Smile Says It All
    A Sense of Wonder
    Students Together
    Mike and a Catbird


    JUMP to pg 1, pg 2, pg 3, pg 4, pg 5, pg 6, pg 7, pg 8, pg 9, pg 10, pg 11, pg 12, pg 13, pg 14, pg 15, pg 16, pg 17, pg 18

    Photos Copyright R. Hays Cummins. Authorization required. For permission, contact hays@environment-education-press.org

    Sources of species identification and other amazing info include (1) Cornell Lab of Ornithology--a fantastic site; (2)Birds of Eastern and Central North America, Peterson Field Guide Series, Fifth Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company; (3) The National Audubon Society's Sibley Guide to Birds and (4) Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Third Edition, National Geographic, Washington, D.C.

    Created with Stone Design's PhotoToWeb® at 2006-05-03 13:39:09 -0400