A Collection of Bird Photos and Movies from SW Ohio

R. Hays Cummins--Western Program

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Ohio Birds: A Photo Collection

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    Spotted and Least Sandpipers
    Full Size Image = 480 K
    Spotted Sandpiper- Actitis macularia
    Spotted Sandpiper- Actitis macularia, Least Sandpiper- Calidris minutilla, Order CHARADRIIFORMES - Family SCOLOPACIDAE - Subfamily Scolopacinae. One sandpiper was in bredding plummage while the other was not. These sandpipers were found in Acton Lake in Heuston Woods in early May near the north end of the lake on sandbars. Did you know that the male takes care of the young? Most unusual!

    (Photo: May 2, 2004, Canon 10D, EF 100-400mm f/4.5 5.6 L IS USM)

    "The most widespread breeding sandpiper in North America, the Spotted Sandpiper breeds along the edges of nearly any water source throughout the northern half of the continent. The male takes the primary role in parental care, incubating the eggs and taking care of the young. One female may lay eggs for up to four different males at a time."

    For More Species Info:


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    Photos Copyright R. Hays Cummins. Authorization required. For permission, contact hays@environment-education-press.org

    Sources of species identification and other amazing info include (1) Cornell Lab of Ornithology--a fantastic site; (2)Birds of Eastern and Central North America, Peterson Field Guide Series, Fifth Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company; (3) The National Audubon Society's Sibley Guide to Birds and (4) Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Third Edition, National Geographic, Washington, D.C.

    Created with Stone Design's PhotoToWeb® at 2006-05-03 13:30:21 -0400